
5 Senses

 5 Sense Series

Starting as a typography project in undergrad, I was extremely curious about how we as artists connect to other people. Whether they are just like us, or extremely different, there is a bond in all humanity that brings us together as a collective. I decided to create 5 books all pertaining to the research, exploration, and understanding of the 5 uniques senses. As someone who is auditory impaired, I have always taken deep appreciation for what I do have and have chosen to never take any of the gifts that we are given for granted.


Making Sense

This is a project that I find myself constantly going back to. As I continue my career in a highly advancing digital space, I find it more and more important to keep in mind what makes us all human and empathize with all of the senses. For this project I wanted to discover the inner workings on each sense and research into multi-media designers, artists, and writers that have explore this phenomenon as well. As we continue this dance with technology and our relationship becomes more complicated, I like to revisit this project to rediscover ways to connect to myself and others.


Good Vibes

Throughout my 5+ years working in primarily digital-focused design opportunities, I’ve noticed both the lack and a start of an understanding of what could be possible to sensory impaired users. I don’t know all the answers but I find my curiosity and empathy wanting explore more opportunities for improvement.